Our school number was #36310524. We are sorry to say that we have closed the School part of the business down. But please check out some of the pictures below of our past students.
We were small, so you got a lot more one on one attention. It was more like you were the only person in the class and the instructors are only there for you. By the time they graduated, most of the people left left with life time friends.
Many of the people had jobs within a couple of weeks of graduation. We have also had classes that all of the students in the class have had a location and place to work lined up before the class had finished.
Our instructors have been teaching classes for years, and most of them teach at multiple locations.
Please see Julie's Massage Therapy and School Annual Report for classes held at the 1095 Stafford Way, Ste. J, Yuba City, CA 95991 facility below.
2013_Annual_Report_Section_1_Julie_s_Massage_Therapy_and__School.pdf 139.9 KB 2013_Annual_Report_Section_2__Animal_Massage.pdf 65.5 KB 2013_Annual_Report_Section_2__Hot_Stone.pdf 72.0 KB 2013_Annual_Report_Section_2_1_Day_Massage_Workshop.pdf 71.9 KB 2013_Annual_Report_Section_2_Advanced_Myofascial__Release.pdf 83.5 KB 2013_Annual_Report_Section_2_Certified_Massage__Practitioner.pdf 65.6 KB 2013_Annual_Report_Section_2_Chair_Massage.pdf 65.5 KB 2013_Annual_Report_Section_2_Deep_Tissue_Massage.pdf 77.0 KB 2013_Annual_Report_Section_2_Essential_Oils___Massage.pdf 75.9 KB 2013_Annual_Report_Section_2_Fibromyalgia_Massage.pdf 75.9 KB 2013_Annual_Report_Section_2_Geriactric_Massage.pdf 71.4 KB 2013_Annual_Report_Section_2_Intro_to_Myofascial__Release.pdf 95.1 KB 2013_Annual_Report_Section_2_Introduction_to_Lomi__Lomi.pdf 86.3 KB 2013_Annual_Report_Section_2_Lymphatic_Drainage__Massage.pdf 71.8 KB 2013_Annual_Report_Section_2_Medical_Massage.pdf 71.5 KB 2013_Annual_Report_Section_2_Pre-Natal_Massage.pdf 75.6 KB 2013_Annual_Report_Section_2_Reflexology_Level_1.pdf 74.9 KB 2013_Annual_Report_Section_2_Shiatsu.pdf 80.8 KB 2013_Annual_Report_Section_2_Soft_tissue_Release.pdf 75.4 KB 2013_Annual_Report_Section_2_Sports_Massage___Isolated__Stretching.pdf 83.0 KB 2013_Annual_Report_Section_2_Trigger_Point.pdf 65.5 KB 2013_Annual_Report_Section_3_Branch_Locations.pdf 70.0 KB 2013_Annual_Report_Section_4_Check_Sheet_Signed.pdf 136.7 KB
Listed below is the past catalog with all information pertaining to the school and its requirements. Catalog is in PDF format to review and print if needed. Copies were also available at the school for those who didn't have printers.